Admin only calls

These are calls meant to help the admin with the system. Their documented for the project’s need.



GET /api/v1/a/accounts/invites

Return a list of the users and the number of invites they have.

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback

Status Codes

success 200:If successful a “200 OK” will be returned


        "users": [


POST /api/v1/a/accounts/invites/:username/:count

Set the invite_ct for the specified user to the specified count

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback

Status Codes

success 200:If successful a “200 OK” will be returned.


       "count": 1,
       "users": [
               "activated": false,
               "api_key": "12345",
               "email": "",
               "id": 2,
               "invite_ct": 0,
               "invited_by": "admin",
               "is_admin": false,
               "last_login": "",
               "name": null,
               "password": null,
               "signup": "2010-04-07 17:50:18",
               "username": "admin"



GET /api/v1/a/accounts/inactive

Return the account info for users that are not set to active. Useful to see new signups that haven’t activated or users with password/reset issues. New users will have their email address as their username since they’ve not set one yet.

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback

Status Codes

success 200:If successful a “200 OK” will be returned.


       "count": 1,
       "users": [
               "activated": false,
               "api_key": "12345",
               "email": "",
               "id": 2,
               "invite_ct": 0,
               "invited_by": "admin",
               "is_admin": false,
               "last_login": "",
               "name": null,
               "password": null,
               "signup": "2011-04-07 17:50:18",
               "username": ""


GET /api/v1/admin/readable/todo

Return a list of urls that need to have content fetched for their readable views. This is used from external tools that will fetch the content and feed back into the api for readable parsing.

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback
>>> {
      message: ""
      payload: {
        urls: [
      success: true


@todo Provide statics of the status code of readable attempts


@todo Provide some readable details, number of outstanding bookmarks to read, number with readable content, etc.


@todo Mark a user as disabled. Will not allow them to login, save bookmarks, use the api



GET /api/v1/a/users/list

Return a list of the users in the system.

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback

Status Codes

success 200:If successful a “200 OK” will be returned


        "count": 10,
        "users": [



POST /api/v1/a/users/add

Admin override and add a new user to the system.

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:username required - the username of the new user
query param:email required - the email address of the new user
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback

Status Codes

success 200:If successful a “200 OK” will be returned

Example'', {
    'email': '',
    'username': 'test',
       "username": "admin",
       "email": "",
       "id": 11,
       "random_pass": "blah123",



DELETE /api/v1/a/users/delete/:username

Admin endpoint to remove a user from the system.

Currently meant for bad new user accounts that removes activation and user account. Does not reach into bmarks/tags.

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback

Status Codes

success 200:If successful a “200 OK” will be returned

       "success": true,
       "message": "Removed user: admin"


GET /api/v1/admin/stats/bmarks

Return the most recent counts of bookmarks, tags, and unique bookmarks

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:count - the number in the result you wish to return
query param:page - the page number to get results for based off of the count specified
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback
>>> ...


GET /a/social/twitter_refresh/:username

Refresh twitter fetch for specific user

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback
>>> {
        "message": "running bot to fetch user's tweets"
        "success": true,


GET /a/social/twitter_refresh/all

Refresh twitter fetch for all the users

query param:api_key required - the api key for your account to make the call with
query param:callback - wrap JSON response in an optional callback
>>> {
        "message": "running bot to fetch user's tweets"
        "success": true,